The Age of ccc eea (Roblox)

The Start

So, I was just a normal guy, that liked to play video games then my friend introduced me to Roblox. I still play it, but some things that happened that day... it was uh... unpleasant.

The Story

My friend told me about this game Roblox, and we were scrolling the home page, and we looked at a game... it was chinese, so I went to google translate and translated it, and it turned out to be the text "help me help me help me murder." it was by a guy named ccc_eea... not sure who he is, but what i know, is that he is some sort of... hacker. so, me and my friend did the only thing goofy teenagers would do at that time, we joined the game thinking it was nothing... but oh boy was I wrong. So when we joined the game, my friend's character just dissapeared, and so did my friend in real life.. I was sweating at that point, and I was thinking "O-oh... he must have just gone to the restroom." So I continued playing, and there was a body with blood under it... and its face was mauled.. and there was this.. black figure raising his hands... the blood was rising with it.. then he said "Do you want you're friend back?" So I typed yes. he said, "Complete this simple task... complete my obby." So I thought, hey its not gonna be that bad... but I thought wrong... the red lava blocks were right next to eachother... and it was just really hard, but thankfully, I completed the obby, and he said, "I will do as I promised. here is your friend back." and my friend just popped back up in the game and in real life, sweating.. it looked like he had been choked... but not enough to die. so at that moment i turned off my computer, and said, "Lets never play that game ever again." and he said, "Agreed..." so then, we continued playing other games.. but i will never forget that terrible day...

The End

So, here is my message.. never ever play that game.